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The Challenge of Energy

Rick Westerdale, former Senior Advisor with the Department of State, will discuss one of the great challenges of a sustainable economy...

Richard Westerdale

We are thrilled to announce a special plenary online dialogue with Richard W. Westerdale, former Senior Advisor on energy with the Department of State and a former Senior Executive with ExxonMobil, on the dilemmas of Energy, one of the great challenges of a sustainable economy.

Many questions come to mind:

  • What impacts of the war in Ukraine are to be expected on energy markets in the short term as well as in the longer term? Will this speed up the process of transition to renewable energies at least in Europe?
  • In view of climate change, when will the transition from mainly fossil fuels to mainly renewable energies take place? What can be done to integrate externalities such as excess CO2 emissions, waste, water usage, so as to help private actors arbitrate between currently cheaper fossil fuels and globally cheaper renewables?
  • Is it likely that an energy crisis could force deep changes in the economic world order, particularly on agriculture? Is such a crisis likely in the foreseeable future?
  • What principles should guide energy management, both by private and public actors, in order to guarantee a sustainable future? How to strike the right balance between financial, environmental and strategic/security constraints?

Join us to discuss those questions and more on this 90-minute occasion on

Tuesday, 7 June 2022, 12 GMT